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Koibito - stake your claim NOW!

Welcome to the Koibito Clique!

Do you really dig an anime guy (or girl, if you're a guy who wants a girl it's fine by me!) and want to selfishly steal him (or her) away from any and all possible competition?? LOL...the point of this clique is to do just that!! Join and tell the whole world that ________(your bishounen here) is yours and ONLY yours! Just watch out for jealous fans, k? ^~

5-29 I am so freaking sorry I havent updated in four months, gals. Tripod screwed up (at least for me) AND i got grounded for a month, which didnt help >.< So please accept my humble apologies!

~Lady Blaze, founder-in-chief

Lookit what Hiro stepped in!!