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Koibito - stake your claim NOW!

note: I will NOT add you to the list until you have already put your code up on your site!!

Lady Blaze <3 Gene Starwind

Miko <3 Trunks

Yugure <3 Duo Maxwell

Liete <3 Yamato Ishida

Kiyone <3 Leon Emilio Magnus

Vector-chan <3 Xelloss Metallium

Philabellah <3 Reno of the Turks

Lina-chan <3 Lars Ul

Becca <3 Quatre Winner

Hina <3 Zell Dincht

Lark <3 Zidane

Sarah <3 Taichi Yagami

Lynn <3 Tasuki

Hermes <3 Farfarello

Kc <3 Link

Leena <3 Wufei Chang

Pia-chan <3 Ken Hidaka

Tsubame <3 Sohma Yuki

Sailor StarSkater <3 Yaten Kou

Female Link <3 Prince Arislan

Goddess Ocarina <3 Hamel

J-chan <3 Tamahome

Ashley <3 Seiya Kou

Jai <3 Heero Yuy

Neev <3 Treize Khushrenada

J <3 Dark Mousy

Quatre R. Barton <3 Trowa Barton

Shinimegami <3 Nanashi

Chibi Team Rocket <3 Jim Hawking

Mandii <3 Ash Ketchum

Callisto <3 Seifer Almasy

Sallie Rocket <3 Kosaburou

Kleo Kat <3 Ryoga

Maya Amano <3 Folken

Aerichan <3 Enishi Yukishiro

Yumiko Tanaka <3 James-san

Sailor Death <3 Aoshi Shinomori

Janorrel Merquise <3 Zechs Merquise

M. Yui <3 Kurama

Hopey-chan <3 Soujiro Seta

Angel <3 Squall

LadyRivka <3 Juunanagou